
Showing posts from January, 2017

Instagram audience profile

Name:          jumpb1thc1ty Gender:       Either Age:             11-25 year olds Location:    City of Bath The design and idea I have to say is pretty original. I don't know many people who have a photo taken of them jumping around a city. The fact that 64% of Instagram   users are women and that could advantage me to have a variety of an audience because women like more artistic things, like this. That is what my work is going to be, artistic. 73% are between 15 and 35 and my project is right in the sweet spot of those ranges (11-25).  Hash tags are used to promote you photo to a wider audience so I will add these hashtags and even more: #jump #fun #bath #park etc... (facts from Instagram wikipedia and Moo infographic) Strategy:   I do hope to get at least 3-5 followers and 7-9 likes on any photo but there is a flaw in this plan. I hope that I can get these amounts b...

Hypodermic Needle Theory (H.N.T)

The origin of the Hypodermic Needle Theory is, that it was based on early observations of the effect of mass media. Media was big even then. Even used by Nazi  advantage to promote their propaganda and this was very effective. So this inspired others to use media to their advantage.  Essentially this theory suggests that the media injects and provides its messages directly to the audience. Such audience is affected by the messages in which the public basically cannot escape from the media's influence and opinion. This therefore leads to something that is considered as the sitting duck. It means the media analyses this in a way that gets the audiences opinion. This goes to show that the media has responsibility over peoples future because one bit of believable fake news and then people believe and trust that. Well, that just means that the media has to be looked at with a close eye. The future depends on social media and so the have power over us. The amount of people c...

Robo - Fall GIF

This is Robo - Fall. A Robot essentially falling from no-where but with imagination is space falling onto earth. this is clearly a robot because the eyes are one line being deployed through put the fall as a safety guard. Perhaps the best thing about this is the landing contact with the ground you can see the marks for animation impact rising. I like the 'WOW!' at the end. I added that for humour.

Steve animation drawing /1


Ideas for images Instagram

Through the keyhole or ring Lego in front of anything Artistic black and White Rooftops (perhaps) picture of me lunch

Creative buisness

My creative business cards idea was fairly simple. It was a normal card size that you push a few tabs and points that allow you to make a round shaped football. I think that this was a creative idea the must be exploited. The best thing about it is that it has contacts around the ball and that is also has slogans and such to help advertise the brand that we made up called SportFit. We allowed the focus group to discuss these ideas and create a few more helpful and additional ideas. The best thing about it is that it has a lot of nice features. The group helped massively with the production.There was no mistakes and nothing unhelpful to our new brand. We felt as though this needed an uplift so we added a symbolic character to the midst. We added a Pro called Eden Hazard, a figure that most would listen to. It's important to have someone who people admire and want to be like because they will start doing that by buying their brand. Therefore introducing more customers.

Infographic in piktochart

This is my evaluation on achieving my dreams and others opinion along with my own. As you can see above a lot of belief is riding my way and there are lots who can second that. Many along with myself think my dream of becoming a Film director is achievable.

Evaluation of my final design

In my recent final design of the christmas cards, I have included some very good colours recommended by a test in class. I included the santa red, the christmas tree green and a lovely calm tone of beige. Yes, beige. The colour that make everyone sigh of boredom. But with my design you can excuse this because it really brightens and lifts out the key factors of the religious meanings and the overall design of the card.  Even inside this calmed tone of gold shows such an elegance and I think it really works. The very best thing about it though is its ability to highlight the small lion a.k.a Jesus with the sun light. It really helps draw your attention to him. Not many people notice but there is a picture of it's original design. The nativity in the top left hand corner. It's just another perk to the broad range of artistic wisdom behind this design. I've learned a lot in this project especially my SMART target. This was to learn about photoshop and the other Adobe progra...

Piktograph for Instagram


Final Design for Christmas cards

This is my final outside design for my christmas cards. Here is my inside design:

Comic Reflection

I feel as if the comic pictures are great and that they went well. I feel that they are designed for mature children also, the very best one is the football game one. this took me a while but represents an important time in my life because i still play football and I'm a fit player because of that which is important to me. For example I wouldn't be going to the gym if i didn't think it would help me football ability. I think that the bed representation on my birth's one could have had a touch up or two but either way it will be suitable for the task at hand.

Comic strip


Handwriting for comic - Steve


Comic strip plan - Steve


Steve - Comic Story

My story is going to be about my life and my passion for sport. At least there is a bit in their about sport. Perhaps the fact that 77 is my number that i have been raised with and so therefore my 'lucky' number. It is also a way of identifying me in all of the pictures when I'm with others. the end/result of all of this in my comic is that I've started a new at bath college since moving from a private primary and secondary school. A big individual step for me. The comic does not include that though. Maybe I will include it.