Hypodermic Needle Theory (H.N.T)

The origin of the Hypodermic Needle Theory is, that it was based on early observations of the effect of mass media. Media was big even then. Even used by Nazi  advantage to promote their propaganda and this was very effective. So this inspired others to use media to their advantage. 

Essentially this theory suggests that the media injects and provides its messages directly to the audience. Such audience is affected by the messages in which the public basically cannot escape from the media's influence and opinion. This therefore leads to something that is considered as the sitting duck. It means the media analyses this in a way that gets the audiences opinion.

This goes to show that the media has responsibility over peoples future because one bit of believable fake news and then people believe and trust that. Well, that just means that the media has to be looked at with a close eye. The future depends on social media and so the have power over us. The amount of people clicking on 'click bait' stuff could become robust.

Instagram is an app used by millions. This is a stage for the world especially because or the amount of users. People can promote petitions, protests and more. Therefore the media is what created Instagram and the media shares this propaganda meaning that they are responsible.  

Now, the two-step flow theory is a way of advertising using a more primary following. For example. A company could pay a celebrity (person with a high following) to advertise their product. They could be using social media to do so. This could influence people to buy their product because such and such people have advertised them and convinced them to do so. The H.N.T teaches us that this is obvious occurrence of advertisement is spreading to the peoples sanctities. This perhaps could be done by the celebrities, or on bill-boards on a motorway, on a screen at a bus stop or perhaps just a normal advert on TV.

This relates to Instagram because there are celebrities with hundreds of millions of followers. Companies pay these celebrities huge amounts to advertise their product on their Instagram account. 


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