Reflection on the Show
On the 25th of May 2017, my media class and I presented out projects on a big projector to an audience of around 20. I enjoyed the experience as I felt proud when I saw mine play on the big screen. I only had a few problems with the audio in some places. The quality on HD was different on everybody's projects because of the quality of the projector and the reflective screen which could be to do with the Keystone effect playing a role. Overall the show went well. We created a trailer involving myself showing you how to get to the show. The best thing about this trailer was the way we sped it up and slowed it down on the long journey to still keep it informing you the way of how to get there but now just quickly. We set this by organising the chairs, timing it when it was quiet and also just editing it thoroughly. We also had the written work and comics on a table at the back which was available to guests. Not many looked at them though since the indication was no...