Product Assessment

I had a lot of people watch my film for me and I had a lot of good feedback as a pose to bad.

I had one comment on the video say that it was 'amazing' wich really gave me a good sense of reward and pride.

I had a few opinions also saying:

Louis: Having been in the film and not knowing how it shaped up or even work at all, I think the final result makes a lot of sense as an actor on the inside.

Ieuan: I like the film because it was really funny, but also quite realistic to everyday life.

Emily: It was cool because the story was relatable to some people that might be getting bullied and at the end the reward of pride they get is great and people should look up to it.

Sam: I had a great time watching it because it was funny and also good in the way that you understand the funny side of it and everything that is best about it if you watch it the second time around but that's the same with everything.

Andy: It like the editing it flowed very well in that respect since it was fluid and artistic in some places.

I am really proud of this and hope that it represents my hard work and effort that went into the making of this project. The best thing about that is the fact that the best way to know how you've done well is through others' opinions.


I like the fact that Andy said my "editing flowed very well", after all, it took me a good 8 hours to complete it so I should hope that was a good part of it because it put my all into that. Also, "It was relatable" came up twice and this is great because it is exactly what I was going for. I am very happy with these comments and opinions because they complete the sense of genre and feelings towards the film that I was going for!"


Louis' comment didn't seem necessarily positive in that he though watching the film explained what he was doing while acting.
