Opinion from pitch My pitch was great! I know that I must be more vigilant and thoroughly plan my project out, and I will up my game to aim for the Distinction grade. I know it went well because I knew my point was getting across. The point of this film is the fact that the 'Caterham' is an under-rated underdog supercar that people have overlooked. Or just simply that people don't know about it. So I will teach them not just about the car but the community and the whole prospectus. I knew this was getting across since my presentation was explaining it. Ed told me that my presentation was good so I could tell he knew what I wanted to do. I told him about the community and it says in my presentation that it exists. I hadn't told him statistics yet since I am saving that for my film. I wish that I could have done a whole presentation with a projector and standing up I feel that it would have run smoother instead of me sitting down and talking about it. If I am ever...
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