Character profiles:

Main Characters:
Matt (17, Boy)
Dave (30's, Man)
James (17, Boy)

A Scientist that works at CERN has made an accidental breakthrough in Time-Travel and is at odds on what to do. He does this for his work as they know of this project. Unfortunately, he has ended up working on his son in this situation. His son, who has already accidentally disturbed the Space-time continuum is unaware of his actions.


ACT 1:

A person is somewhere in the Alps. A guy that is skiing quite fast and showing some impressive/experienced skiing skills. The image isn't clear. It keeps fading and cutting as if it were a dream. Then suddenly, We are shown someone waking up. A boy, roughly 17, is in his lesson and waking up from being bored with it. The lesson continues as if he hadn't slept at all and the teacher hadn't noticed. Shortly after this, the lesson finishes and it seems like the end of the day at college. This kid meets his friend after class as they ask him how his sleep was. This follows to reveal the kid's name as it is, Matt. Matt's friends' name is James and he has concern for Matt as he is consistently falling asleep in class recently.

ACT 2:

Matt goes to his Dad's CERN lab and finds his father working on something far too complicated for Matt's understanding. He greets his father and his Dad replies happily. his Dad, asks him how his day was and opens his computer in doing so.

Matt says 'The same as usual really.'

When his Dad tells him about this email he got from college saying how he keeps falling asleep in class. Matt admits it is wrong and he'll get more sleep and leaves. Matt sits down after leaving his bag next to the chair. He gets his phone out and leaves the room. Directly after he leaves his father runs straight back to his work.

'I knew this would happen' he says worryingly. 'Log entry 2......Powers have developed and used beyond the control of the subject. Frequent occurrence... Dave'

Now revealing that the fathers' name is Dave, he knows something about Matt which is mysterious.

'Bloody time-travel' Dave says to himself.

We know Matt has time travelling abilities now which has told us about the whole genre of this film. Matt now re-enters and his father gets a hold of him and tries to explain to him about why he is falling asleep so often. It is because he tested on Matt while he was asleep. He tested to see if his time travel device worked on him when he is asleep.

Matt asks his father how he can stop it but unfortunately, he has to let it play out.  Dave tells him how dangerous it is and he will warn work but things could change and that the conversation will never happen because of how he changes time during his sleep.

ACT 3:

Another skiing vision. This time with friends at the top of a slope. They seem happy and laughing at something. Still cutting out, Matt now has been awake but shakes off the dream and then the shot zooms out from his eye where Matt is on a computer in a room alone. He gets up and leaves when he bumps into James and tells him what his Dad told him last night. James doesn't understand what happened and tells him he remembers nothing of what happened that day. He doesn't remember asking if he was okay after class and this is when Matt realises he has done it again. He calls his Dad twice and leaves James. Dave doesn't pick up so Matt panics and faints to the floor.

Matt wakes up in a chair and doesn't know where he is. He quickly realises that he is in his class. The teacher shouts at him angrily:

'Why are you asleep? Don't you take this seriously Matt?'

Matt doesn't understand and the teacher converses with Min in front of the whole class and he ends up apologizing. Matt then realises the whole thing was a dream and it never happened.


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