Shot list
Scene 1: Estb. Of coll. Sweep of kid behind keyboard (past/future) shoulder shot 4x medium of kids cut away to keyboard. cut to phone close up of I (past) meium of kid on CPU shoulder of I Medium of Tobie Shoulder of tobie (medium of I and Ash) medium of ash long shoulder between ash and I Long sweep cut to phone (past) clicks download (future) asks to answer so close up of tobie close to I to medium follow close up of I Sweep of I medium of I cuts call Close up I to cut away of phone Into CPU room = long medium of Ash shoulder of both 3x medium of Convo (Past) still downloading Medium of CPU (future) cuts to ext long of finding the `M-V Scene 2: medium sweep 'hello' long Follow cut of M-V Long Scene 3: Medium of convo Shoulder between both Medium sweep of convo cuts to throat (past) files completed secures them and then carries on to future sweep (future) follow long to medium of walking behind shoulder of M-V long quick of ent...