Animation Reviews - Steve

Glass and water

This mini - animation is about a glass who is being watched in the dish washer and then he deliberately steps out of the way so that he doesn't get fully washed with water. This was a very strange film since all you hear is the other glasses singing and then the other foley noises added. I feel as if this was strange because there wasn't much point to it. The fact it had no talking made it difficult to understand what the point was and so therefore lacked to communicate to the audience. Yes the animation was good but the plot was poor. I did like the way the water was painted and this was all drawn. That takes a certain skill. But again, I didn't really get the gist of that.

1936 colour classic

This was a nice little animation that was made in 1936 and that was a very good demonstration of how to make an animation. The best thing about that was the fact it had the fact that some of that was 3D. In those time they didn't have computers so the first part were they have an establishing shot the animation must've been very smooth. The shadow moves with the shot indicating that it must've been a model. I like the fact it was jolly and the even though the children were sad because all there toys broke. Grampy came along and sorted them out, making them all new toys using the kitchen.


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