Opinion from pitch My pitch was great! I know that I must be more vigilant and thoroughly plan my project out, and I will up my game to aim for the Distinction grade. I know it went well because I knew my point was getting across. The point of this film is the fact that the 'Caterham' is an under-rated underdog supercar that people have overlooked. Or just simply that people don't know about it. So I will teach them not just about the car but the community and the whole prospectus. I knew this was getting across since my presentation was explaining it. Ed told me that my presentation was good so I could tell he knew what I wanted to do. I told him about the community and it says in my presentation that it exists. I hadn't told him statistics yet since I am saving that for my film. I wish that I could have done a whole presentation with a projector and standing up I feel that it would have run smoother instead of me sitting down and talking about it. If I am ever...
For the product assessment, I have asked 4 people to write a short paragraph stating what was good and bad about my film and what I could change. I did this not only because the brief requires it but out of personal interest to see what people made of my film. I was very intrigued by what they thought of it and not for them to just say 'good' but go into detail and perhaps pick my film apart. This method has definitely proven worthy in the past as I have had much feedback on previous short films explaining not only what was wrong but why it was wrong which helped me learn a great deal about me as a director and learn a lot more about my film. I have learned many valuable lessons such as; 'Always keep your target audience in mind' and 'keep the camera work as smooth as possible if it's a crucial scene.' It is things like this that teach me and allow me to be a better director in the future. I definitely did keep my target audience in mind while making th...
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