Opinion from pitch

My pitch was great! I know that I must be more vigilant and thoroughly plan my project out, and I will up my game to aim for the Distinction grade. I know it went well because I knew my point was getting across. The point of this film is the fact that the 'Caterham' is an under-rated underdog supercar that people have overlooked. Or just simply that people don't know about it. So I will teach them not just about the car but the community and the whole prospectus. I knew this was getting across since my presentation was explaining it. Ed told me that my presentation was good so I could tell he knew what I wanted to do. I told him about the community and it says in my presentation that it exists. I hadn't told him statistics yet since I am saving that for my film. I wish that I could have done a whole presentation with a projector and standing up I feel that it would have run smoother instead of me sitting down and talking about it. If I am ever to do this again, I will need to be a lot more expressive in my explanation instead of how repetitive I was. In my feedback, I was very accepting rather than asking more and more questions about how what kind of things I need to prepare for that he thinks would be useful for me to know.

What I learned

I gathered that the standard for me to get a Distinction is much higher than Level 2, I will work very hard to achieve this grade and advance to the next year of Level 3. I need to go to this open day on April 2 to get Vox Pops & Interviews, I need to get in contact with Caterham about this event to find out about if there is anyone high up or workers for Caterham I can talk to at this event. I need to set things up and not rush into it and take my time to get this right. I must get real with myself and work hard and get the work done, there is going to have to be a lot of work gone into making this to get it done correctly and risk assess everything and get people to come out and gather for me so I can film them. These would be people from the Caterham Community. I know that this will be a lot of work but I am prepared to do it and to the highest standard  I can offer.

What I need to do

I need to as I said, get real with myself and start planning and make this happen. I am currently doing everything I can to get a Distinction at this level and to do that, I have to plan. I know that planning is a big part so I will create a thorough and precise plan to get this done properly. I will know exactly what I need to do on all the days until the Deadline on May 10.

As for Work Experience, I want to go on a film course called "Skills2film" I have asked the college to help fund this for me so and three of my mates that would come for free, this was the deal offered. I need to chase this up and if it doesn't work out from college since it has been three weeks since I asked, I will have to do it on my own. I feel that training even at a Foundation Level will be massively helpful for me especially if I do this before FMP shooting so that it looks really good and earns me that ever so desired Distinction grade.

I need to create my project plan to define areas that I will use to plan out when I will do specific things. I will create this and make it so that it is done by day to be more precise. 


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