Tick box method

To complete Assignment 3, 1, I created a tick box style plan on paper and I made a few of them because of course, I need to plan for what I plan to ask in interviews and vox pops for people. I find that this will be as a result of me needing to remember what to ask and why to ask it. I will hopefully be interviewing someone who works at Caterham but that is still in talks at this stage so I have to focus on questions to ask the public.

I feel this method is effective since it has proven to me before in the many times I have used it. It is like a form of a revision to me so, at the end of the shooting day, I will be fluent in the questions. Not many people are experienced or comfortable with a camera in front of them so having a well-organised image to them will help their confidence and hopefully allow them to think and speak more freely resulting in a better film for me. I the main thing I also want to focus on is getting the image/picture right and the audio right to me and my one crew member will help me with that since this member will be doing the audio and I will focus on keeping the interviewer happy and keeping the camera quality right since I don't want to have to go back and ask them to say it all again.

In my Practical Skills research, I gathered that the subject will be the most valuable thing, not the background of course. This is because they are the person I am interviewing and I am not concentrating on the people in the background. Yes, background noise will be heard but this shouldn't be too bad since I will move the mic close enough so that you don't get an overload of sound from that person because it is too close, I will move it close enough that the audio reader is at the right level. I will practice the person saying something and adjust according to how high/low the reader is.

I made this rough to determine practice for my final one. This one shows marking and cross-outs from copying the questions I had prepared from Practical Skills down on paper. This one has a 'people asked' box that I will tick but all results will be the same so I will change that in my final version to a tally of one so that I can keep track of people and workers as I go along separately. I will make every effort to talk to a worker and I hope the public give me so great answers too. I will ask as many people as I can but this will be difficult for the people who are at the event could be very busy. This also has all the main questions I want to ask so it was a good starting place but I will ask what the peoples' names are and to spell it so that I can put it in the corner of the screen but this will also be used for an audio test as suggested by a video that I researched. I think this is valuable information for my final questions, it shows that my research has paid off. Therefore I can use this to make a better version.

In my final version of the questions I will ask in my vox pops and interviews, I created a tally as I said I would and I also added 'Do you have a Caterham...' in question 4. This enables me to get a clear answer if they do or don't really know what it feels like to be in the community but it leaves it open if they have had one in the past. I obviously would like to interview people with Caterhams but having a variety and a range of people who have and haven't had one will help as well as the workers being interviewed.  This can help my project since it will be valuable, I suspect it will be filled with quotes and a few good words that can tip the balance of what it is like to be a Caterham owner. It could be the tipping point for most people watching my film interested in purchasing a Caterham since I am sure it will be filled with people who couldn't say enough nice things about it because most of the people going to that event will be owners and they would have paid attention to the Caterham website for up and coming events to go to and this will be it. This will not only be full of compliments for the cars but a very useful insight into what the film is all about and what the point of having a Caterham is and generally what it is as will be exploited through the requirements of answering the questions correctly. I am hoping for someone to mention the history as this is the main reason of having done so much research on it but even if someone doesn't I will still go over it anyway but it will judge the amount of attention I pay to it and for how long it will be in my film for. I can't ask these questions, not just for the sake of the film but for me as a person and the answers affecting my own personal view on Caterham's. I am happy I will get to share this with the world as it could be a key part of the view from the Caterham Community and knowing the common opinion to affect the viewer's judgment.

I want to give myself a lot of footage since it is going to be a 25-30 minute film so this will take up something around 6-9 minutes of that adding on voice-overs and hopefully drone footage, history and shots of historic cars that will all add up to be at least 12-15 minutes of my film which is huge considering some the information that I will learn from this which will go into the voice-overs. I want to make the film an even spread and not just one big vox pop and interviewing session, this will require footage from elsewhere such as other car meets and blats that I will be going to to get footage. I will rely on my stand up to uphold the nature of the film since it will consider all the elements I am looking to exploit and not just that but the voice overs of the extra clips of things like go pro footage and generally footage that doesn't mean a great deal but will be used to give me enough time to talk and get my point across. This will be midway through since the start and end of a film are it's strongest points. The interviews will be a tipping point in the tone of the film and that will be in the middle since the start will be about getting to know the car and the history will be in the start as well (and widely spread throughout the film). I want to make the interviews a big part of the synopsis of the film from being told what people think but the audience will already go into the interviews with a lot of knowledge about the history of Caterham allowing them to be prepared and after that, I want to make the last stretch (last 10-15 minutes) about the community and lots of shots of the car on the road it's self along with my stand up. I guess the film will kind of build up to the stand up in a way since it will reveal me as a person standing in front of the car. This will allow the audience to be more gripped by this, as it could influence them and their opinion on Caterham's if it hasn't done already. I will have a more artistic/film style shots by this point as it will be showcasing the car off and showing what it is and what it can do, especially what it is capable of. The drone will come into play a lot later on in the film because it will be focusing on the live action car in the flesh so shooting will loosen up and be flexible at this point as the first sector will be re-used clips from others and I will be speaking a lot more about the history.

In terms of my project plan, I have used a tick box method to decide what I need to do on each day. This has tremendously helped and it has made my life a lot easier. I can't wait to get into shooting and start preproduction materials such as, Concept Art, Story Boards and all of these other fantastic things that I get to do in preparation for my film. I have constantly checked my plan to see what I am doing each day and see what in fact I needed to do next week as extra motivation to get it done, and maybe even start next weeks work early. I find that there is a lot of time between now and the end of the month to finish shooting and start editing in that first week of May that I have already planned out. I did start planning this at the start of March, however, that meant I had to make adjustments to fit the timescale accordingly so I wasn't confused when tracking back. I have used it as a tracker at times so if something was done at a different time that it was supposed to, I would tick the box to make it accurate. It is a great way to keep track as it is easy to understand and read, it helps me personally and I have done this type of thing before with exam revision. So far, it has worked well and according to my plan, I am up to date. This means that I can start to think ahead and maybe begin Concept Art which would enable me to have a head start going into next week. The only thing that didn't fit into my plan very well and I had to re-schedule was me focus group. I intended to do one but considering my research has already brought me sufficient information, I don't either have the time to do it, but I have already moved on from research having been satisfied by what I learnt. This is a shame and as much as I would have loved to do it, I need to focus on actually getting this done now and start shooting as soon as possible. Apart from the fact I can't go back and do a focus group, I sill feel confident moving forward. I want to start my pre- production materials early and get it done within two weeks, meaning 8 days of shooting so that I can get the shots as accurate to the storyboard as possible. This allows me not to rush it and keep my head on location. I want to cover all the things I intend to and I feel that this is a sufficient amount of time to do so. I also think that all of the things I planned in terms of dates are going to work. I think that overlapping my personal shooting and car meets isn't a grest idea, this is why I have given myself two weeks to do it. Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th are crucial because I have to essentially get my storyboard and scripting done so that I can go into the weekend with that and do it. I think that the week following on from that is also crucial because I will have to do all the other things like Concept Art for example.


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