Steve Animation - Darkness light darkness

In the animation I had watched with Steve, there was a man being assembled by plasticine and the mini-movie was very fun to watch. It inspired me and the stop-motion animation flowed really well. It is easy with stop-motion to skip a step and the whole movie could stop flowing and fall out of place with stop motion, which is what makes it such an art. I feel that with the hand he got around the situation. This sends a message that the hands are a vital point of a human body and that the whole thing wouldn't have been possible without them. I think it was funny when the human genitals entered the movie, it was funny because everyone in the class froze. It was unexpected and that gave it the comedic factor.
I really enjoyed the whole thing because it shows dedication. Stop motion take a long time to make, and I suspect that this was hard to make as well since it was very complex for 1989.
