Lookbook project week 1


Magazines are about opinions by information and how they are viewed by the majority of the population.


A brief leaflet shortly explaining and showing off new products.


To sell and show all the products.

My magazine idea:

Today I found different designs in T-shirts. I had to find different ones and make a mood board about things we like. I thought originally that I could design different T-Shirts and make a lookbook about them but when it came to noting down how and why I wanted to do this, I couldn't.

Then I looked into Karting, my other passion, and still, I wouldn't e able to expand on this any further than Just F1 and the rise through the ranks that can happen. So after evaluation, I gave in and went all out on my one, true passion for becoming a film director.

So then, I went on to point out how TV and Film aren't so different. This is because the future could be both in the form of home cinema. By this, I mean places like Sky and Netflix and how they are taking over with their new films. But all there TV series' are great too and this makes them a threat to places like Odeon/ Vue etc. on 10 years since they will not be needed for watching new films.

I chose my topic. I wanted to create a magazine about TV and FIlm, talking about new releases, great films of the year and the difference between old and new TV/Film.


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