Movie - The Chase

In the movie we made, that is and action film including A CIA agent with a USB that has something mysterious on it that is worth £10 million. Then a thief comes along and steals the USB with his incredible parkour skills. This then turns into a chase. I play the hooded kid funnily enough. I like the way we shot this because, it is really good and there are some good quality stuff in there.

The Chase isn't really a movie because it is almost 2 minutes long so it is kind of a short in sense. Although the music is engaging, the talking and acting out the conversation was very quick and quiet by Koda Walters who plays Geoff the person who receives the USB. This was easily figured out because I can increase the volume in Adobe Premiere.

The chase was fun to film but an experience for all of us. We have are different views but, we worked well as a team and thats important. I think the final video is great and that I did a lot of cutting and adjusting to make it absolutely perfect. I had to work with what I have got.

Here it is!:
