Stages of film production



Need to get funds from film company. The script may not even be finished. It's the idea that you pitch. Then you finish the script and the they get it locked. It can be adjusted but thats the actors choice, the story is the thing that is locked. Then you find your actors and bring them in.. 
after, you find your locations and angles to shoot.


As I said at the end of the last paragraph you find your angles to shoot, and find the time to do it in (night, noon, day, etc). Not just the actors but the props, and crew. It is important that you time your schedule because of the shot you want, and the time you will have to shoot it at etc.


The key thing with budget and financing is how you spend it because you need to be 100% sure about what you are buying and the way you are buying it. For example you need to buy it legally and not from like a street dealer or something.


Shooting is key to the making of any film. The whole movie comes from this because the actors/actresses are all key the process to the film. To choose the shot that is or are perfect for the film in that moment you will need to go on a recce. A recce is when you go outside and look for the perfect shot this can take a couple of days depending on the kind of shot you want.
