For my final design, I chose to use my 'Karting Magazine' poster with me inside my kart. I thought that this made the most sense to use because it is both the most authentic and the best one to show about me and what I aimed for in my project, which is what I think I achieved. This was to represent my lifestyle. At the start, I aspired to make a poster that shows off my unique features such as, my hairstyle, the fact that I am a sporty person and lastly that I do Karting. This poster doesn't show my hair but it certainly shows the other two features. The best thing about it poster is that I have presented my passion for Karting. This is significant to me since I don't get to talk about it a lot since it is a very rare thing. I think that not only does this display my passion for Karting but it shows off my skills in photoshop. I created a banner around the writing so that you can actually see it since before this, there was no banner and that made it ve...