60 Seconds


In my 60 second video, I chose to go with tension as my genre. I haven't tried tension and it was something I wanted to do. I liked making this film but at the start, I was aiming for a comedy and I guess it is a bit of both. 

From target 3.1 I learned new and interesting shot types such as, a low angle looking up and the high angle looking down which are great to use because they show how a character is feeling. For example, the low angle looking up can show that a character is feeling intimidated and a high angle looking down is the person providing the argument. I learned this through watching 'A few good men" in the "You can't handle the truth" scene. 

In my film, I use the low angle facing up to the girl so the guy in the chair was feeling intimidated. This gives my film a twist because you don't expect the guy in the chair to be intimidated since he is giving the girl orders. I tried to create a balance in power instead of looking down upon the girl and up to the shady guy. You would expect the girl to be intimidated since you have this shady character. I tried to get the audience on edge a bit when at the end the girl in the film throws the pen at the shady guy and set off a bomb in the pen. I added the beeping sound effect and the explosion at the very end of the film.

My three different shots,

Low angle: 0:29

High angle: 0:30

Cutaway: 0:37
