Secondary Research

How do I make my magazine cover pop?
Source: LinkedIn Learning

What this told me was, how to make my magazine cover pop. It tells me what I need to do in order to create an excitng atmosphere, and a closer understanding for the audience of what my magazine is actually about. Not only that but how to show what is important for my character on the front cover and how to capitalise them.

I realised a lot more via secondary research about the magazine I bought in my primary research. I now found the face on the front (Harry Potter) is serious and that created an intense atmosphere, especially for a heroic character and that draws the auidence in to want to watch the film to find out what happens to their hero. I think that the way this magazine portrays a daring image of Harry Potter imposes an a different view for Harry Potter. It shows home being serious and that could scare the viewer of this magazine but by then it has drawn you into wanting to look at it. The blue toned filter behind this shot proves to be even more mystrious. I think the point of this magazine cover is to do exactly that but because of the text you are induced to read about what could potentially happen to Harry Potter. I would apply this eye catching close up to my design to make it look serious and perhaps I will brighten the picture more for more effect. However, the whole fact that this is the way it is because it is mystrious and it looks like that since it is darker. I like the fact they did that because the darker background allows the text to be brighter and jump out more.

Secondary research is easier to collect than primary research. The proof of this is that you can simply ask someone for the statistic whereas, with primary research, you must find the information yourself. The problem with secondary research is that you cannot prove that this has not been faked and that someone hasn't just made up the statistic especially when finding the information off of the internet. 

The best way to prove data is primary research because of the proof factor, but there is no shame in taking secondary research especially if you are pressured for time. Primary research takes up a lot of time because of how you will need to go out for hours and talk to as many people as possible if you are doing a survey, or you may have to wait a while if you do it online. Secondary research takes seconds. All you have to do is simply look up what you want to know and then within a few clicks, you will have your answer.


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