Skills development plan

What skill will I develop?

For me, I struggle with some of the Adobe software programs because they are so intricate. I try my best and the apps are so useful. Especially if I just want to put one thing on top of the other I can with Photoshop or I want to make a movie, I can use Premiere for example. In fact, the app I am the best at is Adobe Premiere. The app I need to work on, no matter how hard I try is Adobe Photoshop. This is because there is so much to it and I still have a lot to learn. I never knew I could make a stop motion movie inside there. Things like this inspire me to know more about it. It is as if you can do absolutely anything to your photo but for me knowing how and finding it is the problem.

My goal

Find 7 more new tools in Photoshop.

Am I enthusiastic enough?

I am definitely eager to learn more about it every time I open the app. I can still do a lot on there to be fair because that is shown in every new piece of work I make.
My weakness is that I feel that there could still be a lot more done to my work when I am at the end and ready to hand it in. For example, there could be a tool to outline and edit specific edges on my image or, make the text stand out more using effects. 

How will I do this?

I plan to ask my teacher for more help
I plan to make myself look around more and try harder in the discovery of new tools
I plan to experiment with said tools until I find the correct one.

When will this be achieved by?

I want to achieve this goal by 5th December.

Another goal

Another goal I want to accomplish is asking more questions in class if I'm stuck on something or I don't understand it. The reason for this being that I don't want to miss out on key information if something was said that could help me. I am keen to learn about all things in class and I believe this is a realistic goal.

My goal

Ask for help 3 times per lesson.

Why do I set this goal?

Sometimes if I am stuck I just get on with it instead for asking for help and so, I think that I will massively benefit from this. The hardest way to work is not asking for help because you are not getting the full usage of quality in your work from the teachers that help.

How will I do this?

I plan to raise my hand more and try to get a better understanding of the work
I plan to go to the teacher in person to ask for help/advice
I plan to go to the teacher before or after the lesson if I am stuck from before.

When will I achieve this by?

I would like to achieve this goal in every piece of work I do. As soon as possible/ all the time. I can't really set a date for this since it is something I always need to do.

Goal 3

My next goal is work in my own time. I feel like this is is vital. Every lesson I stay behind and work on my brief so in a way, I am already ahead of this goal but I need to continue it since sometimes I don't do it and I benefit from this anyway. I need to work on my own time in general though, like working from home. I focus better at home sometimes as well so it makes sense too.

The goal

Work from home on days off.

Why do I think this?

I think that I work better from home. A lot of people say that there are more distractions from home but for me, I just get on with it and ignore any/all distractions. Also, the reason it works for me is that I am at home so, I am in a more comfortable environment that actually helps me concentrate.

How will I achieve this?

I plan to go home and finish up on unfinished blogs from class at home
I plan to stay behind form 5 mins or so in class to make sure I have everything to be able to work from home (finish Adobe projects etc.)
I plan to make space from my own time to focus on work.

When will I achieve this by?

I hope to accomplish this goal by the end of every brief.


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