Colour Harmony 2

In colour harmony, we learn how to use different colours to our advantage. Blending them together is pretty key and so this is how we use or create new colours. The best way to use new colours is to start experimenting with either paint or use an app like Kuler. This app/website is run by Adobe and you can look at all the colours Adobe has. Then You will obviously have to use specific colour schemes like RGB or CMYK. 

Using warm and cool colours to express the whole point in what you are trying to get across in your image is key also. This is because you want to give off the right impression. For example, if you are creating a warning sign then you ought to use warm colours since they are more eye-catching. Then for a notice for perhaps an event, you can use cool colours which will keep the message calm. Warm colours are yellow, red and orange as to cool colours which are green blue and purple. If you use the correct colour scheme you will more often than not create the perfect poster for your message and sent the right kind of signals.


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